
Friday, December 20, 2013

Santa’s Milk Shots & Cookies

I love Christmas Eve! It combines two of my most favorite things, my faith and my family. While we do have our traditions, we wake up with a flexible attitude and excited to see what the day brings.

The day starts early and is packed with so many good things. It can include anything and everything from wrapping last minute gifts, preparing food for the next day, dressing up in our favorite holiday attire, visits with family and friends, piling in the car and looking at Christmas lights, a special dinner out, candlelight church service, sharing treats with neighbors, cocktail parties, opening presents, The Night Before Christmas Story, classic holiday movies and songs, and let’s not forgot preparing milk and cookies for Santa! There are just so many different things that make it so very special. Yes, there is the unexpected and yes, there might be a small disaster, but the basic foundation is always there. Faith and family. I am blessed for that!

I remember one Christmas Eve, it was the first without my beloved stepfather, Earl. We had gone to an early church service, gone out to eat and had just begun driving around to look at Christmas lights when it started to SNOW! Now for many of you, that is not a big deal, but for HOUSTON, TEXAS, that’s a very big deal as we rarely see snow, much less see it before January. My stepfather was born in Leadville, Colorado and he worked most of his life in construction, in the blizzards and heavy snow. He loved retiring in Texas, where there was little to no snow and where most winters could be spent in short sleeves. So imagine how we felt on that first Christmas Eve without him, to see snow! We could not help but think that Papa Earl was in Heaven and sending a beautiful Christmas gift down to us.

I hope that everyone has their special traditions and special holidays that bring together the things most important to them. For those of you with children or grandchildren, you might enjoy these cute Santa Milk Shots. I do believe Santa would enjoy a tad bit of glitter and sparkle. Happy Holidays to all!

Christmas Eve Traditions featuring Santa’s Milk Shots & Cookies
by Linda

Karo syrup
Red and green sprinkles (I used Wilton)
2 shot glasses
Your favorite cookies

1. Using a pastry brush, paint the Karo syrup around the rim of one shot glass.
2. With a plate underneath, begin dusting the rim with sprinkles.
3. To get a thicker appearance, you can roll the rim around in sprinkles on the plate.
4. Take a toothpick a go around the rim to even out.
5. You can place in the refrigerator until you are ready to pour your milk in.
6. Repeat with second shot glass.

The cookies shown are just Double-Stuffed Oreos that have been dipped in melted white chocolate, dusted with sprinkles and garnished with an M&M candy. Enjoy!