
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Double Barrel Bean Pot

What could you possible do with beans that no one else has done before? I thought about that for a few days and I saw some recipes that added coffee to the beans. What would happen if I took dried beans and soaked them in coffee mixture? I often season the soaking water anyway, so why the heck not? I brewed a cup of Lock-n-Load's Double Barrel Black and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight. I needed to see if it would get bitter, which some do. It was still wonderful the next day. Same smooth dark rich flavor, and more importantly, not bitter. If you have ever wanted a new depth to your beans, don't hesitate to try this technique, it was so wonderful. Of course, it could have been the coffee!!

Double Barrel Bean Pot
by Traci Bump
adapted from a recipe on submitted by Aelfraed

1 half bag dried kidney beans
1 half bag small northern beans
1 half bag pinto beans
2 cups brewed and chilled Lock-n-Load Double Barrel Black coffee

Grab your favorite soaking bowl and let's go!

Place the beans into the bowl. Pour 1 1/2 of the cooled brewed coffee into the bowl with the beans (reserve 1/2 cup). Fill the rest of the bowl with cool water. Don't cover. Refrigerate overnight.

In the morning, drain the beans and put them into a large pot.

You will also need:
32 ounce box of chicken stock (vegetable stock or water can also be used)
1 14-ounce can petite cut tomatoes with juice
1 medium onion, chopped
1 large jalapeno, chopped
1 Tablespoon cumin
1 Tablespoon chili powder
1 teaspoon Aleppo pepper
1 clove garlic, minced

I like to add all the ingredients into the pot with the beans and bring to a strong simmer. I was told once not to let beans boil because it will make the skins tough. I do not know if this is true or not, but I don't ever do it.

If you noticed, I did not add salt as an "official" ingredient. I truly like to let all of my other flavors mingle for an hour or so before I taste it and decide how much (if any) salt is needed. If you need some, add to taste.

You may need to add some more water and/or the remaining 1/2 cup of coffee. I didn't add mine, I grabbed a glass with some ice and had a great Double Barrel Black iced coffee while my beans were cooking.

Cook time may vary. It takes about 1 1/2 hours at a low simmer, just taste the beans to make sure they are fully cooked. 

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